Putrela Church of Christ, INDIA
How the Church began at Putrela: Putrela Village is the Native place of Philip Ganta (A missionary in the Middle East). Philip Ganta has great desire to establish a strong Church in his village where there is no Church of Christ. There are thousands of people living without knowing Jesus in hundreds of nearest Villages. Philip Ganta’s desire came to reality when the Evangelism seminars started in 2010. Putrela Church of Christ was established in January, 2010 through our 1st India Evangelism Seminar. There are 80 people who became Christians and the first service started in January, 2010. By all the previous Evangelism seminars from 2010 to till today there are above 1,550 people come to Christ. Now the Putrela Church of Christ grown up and 350 members are worshipping every Sunday at Putrela, NTR District, and Andhra Pradesh, South India.
How to build the new church building at Putrela: As you can see a marvelous and beautiful Church building at Putrela . Dubai Church of Christ has contributed to build this church building. The members at Dubai Church of Christ (Telugu service-India brothers and Sisters) sacrificed their one month salary to build this church building.
Widows Ministry: As you know India is poorest country and now these days there is no agriculture to work and feed their families. Now the real estates came and layout the agriculture lands and people don’t have labor to do in order to feed their families. So, we have many poor widows in our church and surrounding churches of Christ. Putrlea Church of Christ have been supporting so widows each month for their living expenses.
Providing new sarees each New Year: The local Church at Putrela has been providing a new saree to each poor widow at our church. We have been distributing each year in the churches of Christ in our areas. It really helps them to be shown as good-looking Christian mothers in the church. And we are happy that they are bringing glory to the Lord’s Church through what they have been receiving
Children’s Ministry: Putrela Church of Christ has nearly 200 Sunday children that attends each Sunday. We have been teaching them and showing the real life in Christianity. Among this 200 children there are 150 children attending Sunday school from pure Hindu background. You can understand how greatly the Putrela Church of Christ has been living for God. We have been providing some of their school supplies to help their families to educate them very well. This shows their parents that their Children are growing daily in Godly way in the Church at Putrela.
Poor Pregnancy women Ministry: Putrela Church of Christ has been helping the poorest Christian Women and as well other Women too. There are hundreds of children that are born with many defects in their bodies. Some children are born with one eye, some with damage legs, some with a damage in their liver and many reasons. The doctors have found the reason why the children are born with these defects. The only reason is the Pregnancy Women are not having Good nutrition on their pregnancy days. Pregnancy is a time when nutritional needs are higher, and meeting those needs has a positive effect on the health of both the mother and her unborn baby. The effects of nutrition while the foetus is developing during pregnancy last for a lifetime, and we want to see children inherit a legacy of good health for the future. We also want to see women enjoying a healthy pregnancy without the negative effects of poor nutrition on their health. So, Putrela Church of Christ has been helping 4,000 Rupees ($50) to the poorest Women in their pregnancy time. So that they can have good food for few months and the money can help them in their deliver time. The Pregnancy Women ministry helps to brining more people into Christ. And also we are establishing a greater healthy world for our Christian society. And avoiding the birth defects in new children any more in our world we live.
Funeral Ministry: Putrela Church of Christ have been helping many poor people in their burial event. There are many people dying and their bodies have been on the roads always. It is very sad to say that there are many bodies that have become food for many street dogs and other animals. So, our elders are helping these poorest people and their dead body burial expenses. Through this service there are many people are excited to see the real Christian love and is able to come to Christ. We are not only helping our Christian community and we are helping other poor people and their community to show that Christ is Lord for all. We are helping 6,500 Rupees ($83) for their burial expenses to the concern family. And our elders are taking care of these ministries in a very close mirror.