The Origin of the Churches of Christ
in the Middle East
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Thanks for viewing our website! It’s still a work in progress and will likely always be. But come to think of it, that’s what we all are—works in progress. Paul the Apostle put it this way: “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” (2 Corinthians 3:18). That’s also a way of describing who we are and what we try to be about. It’s our goal to be a fellowship of disciples who contemplate the Lord’s glory and are being transformed into His image. In praising God, studying His Word, seriously praying, and lovingly serving our Master and those He loves, we find that transformation taking place.
In that transforming fellowship we make no claim to be the only Christians but what we long to be are Christians only. The only name of affiliation we desire is the name of Jesus and the only creed we wish is His Word. We are certainly not perfect followers but it is our prayer that we continue to faithfully follow.
Middle East mission came into being in 2000 when Philip Ganta and his family moved to Dubai. The UAE “Expatriate” workforce is came from different countries. Being in the workforce opened Philip’s eyes to the opportunity of sharing God’s word. And God was able to establish Church of Christ in Dubai in June, 2005 with 15members. But, now the Church increased up to 150 worshipping each Sunday in Indian Telugu Language. And also each Sunday 60 people are worshipping in English Service as well. We care about the souls and welfare of all men, and that we, at Dubai Church of Christ, would love to have you join us in the study of God’s Word. We believe that, given the troubled state of society, homes need to fortify themselves against the dangers of worldliness. The only way to do this with any assurance is to follow the teachings of the Bible; we endeavor to do just that in every way.
Philip Ganta is a champion for Christ preaching the gospel for over 33 years. He was born and raised in Putrela, Andhra Pradesh, South India. His parents and His forefathers are also Christians. So, Ganta basically born and raised in a strong Christian Family background. With an excellent background graduating from two Preaching Schools in Andhra Pradesh, South India and then seven years teaching in one of those schools. This brought Ganta’s considerable abilities to the Middle East.