India Evangelism Seminars

Conducting the largest India Evangelism Seminars since 2010
(Putrela, NTR District, Andhra Pradesh, South India)
India Population: according to 2023 survey current Population of India in 1,425,775,850 (1.45 billion).
About my state of Andhra Pradesh population: According to the 2023 surveys total Andhra Pradesh population is 91,702,478. In 2014 after the State of Andhra Pradesh was divided into 2 parts the other part is called Telangana State. Andhra Pradesh state is divided with 26 districts and Telangana state divided with 33 districts.
Andhra Pradesh is one of the 29 states of India, situated on the country’s southeastern coast. The state is the eighth largest state in India covering an area of 160,205 kms (61,855 sq mi). According to 2023 census, the state is tenth largest by population with 49,386,799 inhabitants. The state borders Telangana in the northwest, Chhattisgarh in the North, Odisha in the northeast, Karnataka in the west, Tamil Nadu in the south and the water body of Bay of Bengal in the east. A small enclave of 30 kms (12 sq mi) of Yanam, a district of Pondicherry, lies in the Godavari delta to the northeast of the state.
Putrela Village, NTR District: Putrela is the native place of Philip Ganta. He was born and grew up here in wonderful Christian family. Putrela is one of the Villages in Andhra Pradesh. And it is very close to the border of the new state of Telangana.
How the Evangelism seminars begin: Even though Philip Ganta lives in the Middle East as missionary since 2000, he has been visiting India often to take care of the ministries that he established. There are hundreds of villages in which people doesn’t know about Christ. So, we prayed and discussed with our elders about starting evangelism seminars in Putrela in 2010. God answered our prayers, and we begin to start evangelism seminars in Putrela since 2010. We successfully completing each seminar and so many people are obeying the gospel.
Really these Indian Evangelism seminars help lot to bring more souls and able to train many preachers and elders. “Preach the Gospel to every creature” is a charge current in every generation until the end of time. Admittedly, reaching every soul with the message of salvation is challenging, considering the world’s population of over six billion could double by the year 2040! Coupled with the fact that about a hundred precious souls are dying every minute, the problem the Lord’s people face in reaching a world rapidly rushing into eternity is obvious. However, since God desires that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth, we must believe He has given His people the power and potential to solve the problem of reaching every soul with the truth.
The primary purpose of the Evangelism seminar is:
1.To establish in viewers of all ages a strong belief in the existence of God through a heavy concentration of Christian evidence
2.To establish in viewers the conviction that God has revealed Himself and His will to man through the Bible.
3. To encourage the proper response to God’s Word—obedience to the plan of salvation and adherence to the New Testament pattern of worship, work, and Christian living.
4. In many places brethren are threatened by false teaching. A saturation of sound Bible teaching through these seminars may help strengthen them to withstand error and to stand for the truth. In areas where the church is practically nonexistent and brethren are striving to grow in the faith, We can say strongly that these Evangelism seminars strengthen and edify thousands of these Christians and assist them in their evangelistic efforts.
I am very humble to say through all of these seminars the Lord is able bring so many souls into His kingdom and many new Churches being established and qualified Elders being appointed as well. I can say surely there is much lake of leadership in the Churches of Christ in India especially in our state of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana state as well. This is main reason that Churches not being grow lack of leadership. So, we seriously focused on souls winning and preparing qualified leaders to take care of the Churches to developing their congregations be SELF SUPPORTED. We are in that process and we successfully completing our target through seminars with the great inspiration of the Spirit.
I am very proud of our local elders of Putrela Church of Christ, India, and their commitment to success these seminars. Each seminar the Churches in India is able to raise 20% funds and Dubai Church raises 15% for all the seminars and rest Putrela Church of Christ is taking care of. We always teach the India Churches should feel it is their work I mean it is their responsibility to give.
Most Sincerely Yours
Elders, Putrela Church of Christ & Putrela Christian University